Trepidation Wiki
Trepidation is an open-source first-person shooter based on the IOQuake3 engine. Trepidation was a project initially conceived on April 9, 2006, with the intent to build a free first-person shooter with a sci-fi theme. The idea was initially developed by members of the Star Trek Elite Force gaming community. The project disbanded before the game was complete sometime in 2008 but is currently back in development.
The game includes:
- 21 multiplayer levels (maps).
- Quake 3 and Star Trek Voyager Elite Force Map Compatability
- An original soundtrack featuring 10 original tracks.
- 7 Game Modes.
- In-game Voice Over IP Support (VOIP)
- All New Weapons
- Instagib Modifier Available On Most Game Modes.
- Build defensive Gun Turrets in capture the flag.
- Random Map Rotations
Questions? Many are answered on our Frequently Asked Questions Page.
Getting Started
First thing is to download the most recent build of Trepidation and get it installed on your system. For windows, we provide an installer that will install the game and create shortcuts for you. For Linux we provide a self-extracting archive that will extract all of the game files in a folder called trepidation.
There are 2 binaries for each platform, one is the dedicated server and the other is the game client. The game client is named trepidation.x86(.exe). For Linux we are providing both 64bit and 32bit binaries. For windows, we are only building 32-bit binaries which should run fine on 64-bit machines.
Once you have downloaded Trepidation one of the first things you will want to check is your video and network settings and make sure they fit your system. From the main menu go to: SETUP->SYSTEM->GRAPHICS and SETUP->SYSTEM->NETWORK respectively. You’ll likely want to run through all of the settings and controls to make sure they meet your needs.
You may want to familiarize yourself with the game by playing offline to begin with. Otherwise your ready to find a server to play on. When selecting online play you may find no servers displaying, be sure the the SERVERS setting on the server browser is set to INTERNET, sometimes this defaults to LOCAL.
We highly recommend you read our Quick Start Guide, it is the perfect place to start.
How To Play
- Get Trepidation
- Quick Start Guide
- Trepidation Gametype
- Arsenal Gametype
- Survival Gametype
- Free For All
- Capture The Flag
- One 4 All
- Cheats
The Game
- Trepidation Weapons
- Other Inventory
- List Of Trepidation Levels
- 3rd Party Maps
- Voice Support
- Using the console
- IOQ3 Engine CVARS
- Quake 3 CVARS
- Planned Features For Next Release
Server Administration
At the present time, the Trepidation team is only releasing development builds and daily snapshots. The planned features here refer to the next development build.
The idea to have set development build releases is to minimize the fragmentation of servers running. Servers should only be running Development Build Releases. Typically all official servers will be running the Development Build, in order to prevent fragmentation, we highly recommend not to run public servers that allow downloads with a snapshot, please stick with the dev build OR turn your server downloads off.
- Setting Up A Trepidation Server On Linux
- Sample Server Configuration
- Trepidation Server CVARS
- Random Map Rotations
- Easy Map Rotations
Tutorials And Resources
- Setting Up A Trepidation Server On Linux
- Sample Server Configuration
- Widescreen for Trepidation
- Trepidation Config Tweaks and Tips
- Rotating Say Binds
- Why FPS Effects Jumping
- Creating A Music Pack For Trepidation
- Control Volume With Your Arrow Keys
- Make A Mod
- FPS Cycle Script
- Quake Engine Super Huge CVAR Reference
- Trepidation Master Server
- Changelog
- Source Code
- Bugs and Issue Tracking
- Development Mailing List
- Download Radiant for Trepidation
- Weekly Snapshots
- Compiling The Engine
- Level Design / Mapping For Trepidation
- Map Compatibility Layer for Quake 3 and Star Trek Voyager Elite Force.
- Models for Trepidation
- How to Get Involved
- Discord Server
Trepidation Homepage: