Trepidation History

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Trepidation History

It is important to understand the history of Trepidation before getting involved.

On August 20th 2005 ID Software release the quake 3 engine and game code as open source. Several projects sprung up shortly after this including Trepidation.

Trepidation was a project originally conceived on April 9, 2006 with the intent to build a free first person shooter with a sci-fi theme. The idea was initially developed by members of the Star Trek Elite Force gaming community as Elite Force was becoming an aging game.

The project disbanded before the game was complete sometime in 2008. There was no particular reason for the disbanding, mostly the team got busy with real life. After a minor update in 2011, Development has started again in 2016. We aim to have a game that runs well even on older machines that is fast paced and fun to play.

A lot has been lost from the first days of development. Much of the original development team is gone. In a sense, we are starting from scratch with a very basic base to work from.