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(Created page with "cl_allowDownload "x". A setting of 0 disables auto-downloading of maps/models. Set this to 1 to enable it. sv_allowDownload Default: "1" Description: (0, 1) Allow players t...") |
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Latest revision as of 18:38, 25 April 2017
cl_allowDownload "x". A setting of 0 disables auto-downloading of maps/models. Set this to 1 to enable it.
Default: "1"
Description: (0, 1) Allow players to download files.
r_allowSoftwareGL "x". Set x to 1 to allow software rendering of the game. Although this really is an extremely bad idea unless you absolutely cannot run the game with your current video card. Get a new video card if this is the case, or try updating your drivers. Leave it set to 0 at all times.
Default: "1"
Description: (0, 1) Allow player voting.
cg_autoswitch "x". Set this to 0 to disable auto switching of collected weapons. This setting wont affect performance, but Im sure no-one wants to switch from the Photon launcher to an I-MOD just because they walked over it.
to index
Default: ""
Description: A comma delimited list of banned IP addresses.
Usage: bind <key> [command]
Description: Attach a command to a key.
Usage: bindlist
Description: List of all the current key bindings.
com_blood "x". This setting Elite Force has had blood removed from the game(regardless of the value).
cg_bobpitch "0.00x". This setting determines your pitch up while moving. Leave it at the default value or 0 to remove the movement.
cg_bobroll "0.00x". This setting determines how much you roll back & forth while moving. Leave it at the default value or 0 to remove the movement.
cg_bobup "0.00x". This setting determines how much you bob up while moving. Leave it at the default value or 0 to remove the movement.
Default: "1"
Description: (0, 1) Use bots.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Set bots to chat fast.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Bots use the grappling hook.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Bots play on the ground only.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Bots meet the minimum players until a player
joins; Then the bot gets kicked.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Mute bots.
Default: "1"
Description: (0, 1) Bots can rocketjump.
cg_brassTime "0"
Set it to 0, disable ejected shell effects and gain fps.
Default: "0"
Description: Bot skill level.
to index
Default: "8"
Description: Captures required To end a CTF game.
cg_centertime "0"
Sets how long messages are displayed in the center of the screen (3 seconds by default). The messages obstruct your vision and repeat the function of the frag counter.
Usage: changeVectors
Description: Causes a divide by zero error!Don't try this at home, kids!
Default: "1"
Description: (0, 1) Allow cheat codes.
r_clear "x". A value of 0 for x fills cracks between textures, 1 makes these visible. 0 is slower than 1 although more pleasing visually. Also for debugging maps-Use the devmap command to load the map first.
Usage: cmdlist
Description: Displays all of the available commands.
r_colorbits "x". Use this to set the colour depth. Leave it at 16 unless you have a card that supports 32-bit colour output. Performance is slower in 32-bit than 16-bit however. So when you play online be sure to drop this back to 16.
r_ext_compress_textures "x". Set this to 0 to disable texture compression support (slower, but better visuals). This is only for S3TC texture compression so if you have an S3 card, are using the 5.xx nVidia drivers or have a Voodoo 3, 4 or 5 installed then you should set this to 1. Texture compression can vastly improve frame rates, although may cause some visual degradation in certain areas of the game.
Usage: cvar_restart
Description: Restarts Q3A with all defaults.
Usage: cvarlist
Description: Displays all of the available variables.
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Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Dedicated server. cg_deferPlayers "x". Set this to 1 to defer loading of new models for people that join games until you get killed. Then the new player model will be loaded. Dont set this to 0 unless you want to lag a little when new players join & their model gets loaded.
r_depthbits "x". This is similar to the setting above. This sets the colour depth bits per pixel. Valid values are 16 or 32, setting it to 0 will use the same colour depth as the Windows desktop. Selecting 32 (If your video card supports it) will give best image quality, but slowest peformance.
r_detailtextures "x". Set x to 1 to will improve texture quality when up close. Setting it to 0 will improve performance.
Usage: devmap <mapname>
Description: Changes the map (development mode). This is for debugging a map.
Usage: dir <directory> [extension]
Description: Display the contents of the specified subfolder.
r_displayRefresh "x". Use x to set your refresh rate in the game. It is recommended that you set this to the highest refresh rate that your monitor can handle at a given resolution. With vsync enabled this value also limits the highest frame rate you can achieve. You shouldnt set it any higher than the highest refresh rate your monitor can sustain at a given resolution.
dmflags. not sure
s_doppler "x". Use this setting to adjust the doppler effect. Valid values for x are from 0 10. This is a very sensitive setting. I'd recommend leaving it at the default.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Do warmups before a Tourney match.
cg_draw2D "x". Give this a value of 1 to enable 2d items to be drawn. Items such as the HUD would fall into this category so leave this enabled.
cg_draw3dIcons "0"
Toggles the drawing of the 3D ammo, skin and armor icons. Set it to 0 and gain fps
cg_drawAmmoWarning "1". A value of 1 enables the low-ammo warning display. 0disables it.
cg_drawCrosshair "x". A value of 0 for x will remove the crosshair, which will make aiming making more difficult. 1enables the crosshair. Leave this setting alone.
cg_drawCrosshairNames "x". Set this to 1 to allow the name of the targeted person or item to appear. 0 will disable this. Its probably best to set this to 1, particularly in multiplayer games.
r_drawentities x. Will not draw entities. Used to debug maps. Use the devmap command to load the map first.
cg_drawFPS x. A value of 1 for x will enable the display of a small counter on the screen showing your current frame rate. This may help you in tweaking your game for the best performance/image quality trade off.
cg_drawGun "x". Set x to 1 to enable weapons to be shown on your screen. A setting of 0 will improve FPS but no weapon will be drawn. Visibility will improve a little with this but youll want to know what weapon you have. Id recommend leaving this set to 1.
cg_drawRewards "0"
Set it to 0. You really don't need to be told how good you are right?
cg_drawStatus "1"
Draws your health status. One that will increase your fps (not noticeably) if turned off - 0. I personally like to anticipate death.
r_drawSun "x". A setting of 1 enables the sun to be drawn. It wont improve performance much if set to 0 although it will add a little to lighting calculations in areas where the sun shines. I suggest leaving it set to 0 as most maps will be played in-doors or have few areas with sunlight (Voyager Elite Force has no outdoor levels).
cg_drawTimer "1"
The setting of 1 decreases your fps a wee yet helps you to orientate in time (ie to anticipate the respawn of valuable items and to be aware of how much time is left). The respawn time of an item can be set by the designer and may vary from map to map.
Usage: dumpuser <user>
Description: Displays information about the specified user.
r_dynamiclight "x". A setting of 1 will enable the dynamic lighting of maps, e.g. the light surrounding an explosion. Improve performance by setting this to 0, although visual quality will be reduced, although visual quality will be reduced.
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Usage: echo <message>
Description: Like echo in DOS (for thos who remember).
s_enableA3D "x". Set x to 1 to enable A3D on supported soundcards. This will improve audio quality (or to be more accurate, the positioning of audio sources).Set x to 1 to disable A3D audio. This will improve performance.
Usage: exec <filename>
Description: Executes a script file.
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r_fastsky "x". A setting of 1 will remove the sky texture & portals wont be seen through. Id recommend leaving this set to 0 unless youre on a really slow system. Also for debugging maps. Use the devmap command to load the map first.
r_finish x. Setting x to 1 may eliminate lag from input devices (such as keyboard/mouse) at the cost of a few FPS. The default is 0 so only change it to 1 if you experience any controller lag. This ensures proper timing.
m_filter x. Set x to 1 to enable mouse filtering. This will average out mouse movements resulting in much smoother scrolling. A setting of 0disables the filter. Id high recommend enabling this.
com_FirstTime "x". A value of 1 means that the intro was already played, so it isnt played again. Give it a value of 0 to enable it being played each time you load the game.
Default: "20"
Description: Server frames per second to the client.
Default: "1"
Description: (0, 1) Protect players from flooding the server.
fraglimit x.
Description: Set the frag limit in a game
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Friendly fire causes injury.
cg_forceModel "x". Setting this to 1 forces all players to use the same model in multiplayer. This can improve performance by reducing texture memory usage (only 1 player model is used for all players), although therell be no way to distinguish between players. Id recommend leaving this at 0 unless you are using a graphics card with a low amount of video memory.
Default: "0"
Description: Force player to respawn after death in milliseconds.
cg_fov "100"
The field of vision value is in degrees (default 90, maximum 160). Recommended values are 100 to 120: broader view, the enemy not too small, railing more accurate.
Default: "20"
Description: Frags required to end a game.
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Default: ""
Description: Sets the mod directory and executes the mod at startup.
Default: "0"
Description: The game type.
4 = ctf
3 = 1 vs. 1
2 = team holo TM
1 = free for all dm death match
r_gamma "x". Default is 1. Increase this to make the game brighter. The brighter the visuals the more washed out the textures will look (not quite the same as the brightness setting though). This adjusts the RGB colour intensity. Higher values will reduce texture detail by brightening textures up. Performance isn't affected.
s_geom_reverb "x". A value of 1 enables geometric reverb, 0 disables it. Performance will be improved when set to 0.
s_geometry "x".A value of 1 for x enables A3D geometry processing, 0disables it. If you enable this feature then you can also edit the setting below. Enabled is slower however.
cg_gibs "x". -obsolete-
give [object]. will give you the object you specify.(cheat codes must be enabled)
[objects]: phaser,
tetryon disruptor, compression rifle, scavenger rifle, i-mod, tricorder,
health, ammo, weapons, all(all weapons), romulan cloaking device.
Toggles god mode, which , in turn, makes you invincible to enemy fire. (cheats
must be enabled)
Default: "800" Pars around 275
Description: Gravity force value.
to index
Usage: heartbeat
Description: Sends a heartbeat to the master server(s).
Default: "noname"
Description: The friendly name of the server.
com_hunkMegs "x". You can use this to set the amount of memory available to Elite Force. A general guideline to setting this value would be 2/3 of RAM. Keep in mind Windows needs about 16MB RAM minimum to run. You should also have closed all other programs before running Elite Force.
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r_ignorehwgamma "x". Set x to 1 to enable the game itself to set the gamma level to be used. Set it to 0 to disable any in-game gamma settings & use one set by the video card driver instead. Setting it to 0 may make any brightness slider in the game menu ineffective.
Default: "0"
Description: Time in seconds of inactivity before a player is kicked.
s_initsound "x". When x is set to 1 all audio is enabled. When set to 0 no audio is played. This is completely different to muting the volume levels. Performance will be vastly higher when set to 0 although its only really useful if you want to purely benchmark video card performance in Elite Force.
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in_joystick "x". You wont be using a joystick to play Elite Force so set x to 0. If you are, set it to 1. Mouse & keyboard is by far the better way to play though.
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s_khz "x". Set to 22 for best sound quality. Set it to 11 for better performance, you should only change it to this if you have an old soundcard (ISA).
Usage: kick <user or id field>
Description: Kick Players off the server.
This will kill yourself
Usage: killserver
Description: Stops Quake 3 Arena server.
Default: "1000"
Description: Sets the force of a weapon impact on a victim.
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cg_lagometer "x". Give x a value of 1. This will enable the Lagometer, which will aid you in diagnosing & improving your online gameplay. The lagometer is displayed in the bottom right of your screen & looks like this.
lagometer is effectively split into 2 sections, top & bottom.
Ill deal with the top section first. The top section shows world updates. Yellow
is bad indicating dropped frames; Blue
is good & indicates no frames are being dropped. Information
on this line should be used to tweak your snaps x setting.
bottom indicates packets received. The Green
indicates packets received, which is good. Red
indicates lost packets, which is bad. Yellow
indicates incomplete packets which is also bad. Information on this
line should be used to tweak your rate x setting.
Set this to 0 to improve audio quality. A setting of 1 may
improve performance a little but reduce audio quality.
This controls the detail level of models. Increase the value to improve
performance but reduce detail. Lower the value to increase visual quality
but lower performance. 0 is the lowest it may be set. Id recommend
leaving it at the default of 1. 2 is the least detailed but
also the fastest. Elite Force models are skeletal so theres no memory
savings by using a less detailed setting (higher), just a frame rate improvement.
Default: "games.log"
Description: The sub-directory and filename of the log file.
Default: "0"
Description: Console logging 0=no,1=buffered,2=continuous,3=append.
r_lockpvs: turns off any existing pvs lock: no idea; Used to debug maps. Use the devmap command to load the map first.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Append to the existing log or not.
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cg_marks "x". Set x to 1 to enable marks on the ground/walls being displayed. A setting of 0 may improve performance a little. Although this is somewhat dependant on how bad your aim is. Id recommend setting this to 0 for online play.
Usage: map <mapname>
Description: Change the current map.
Usage: map_restart
Description: Restarts the current map.
Default: "master3.idsoftware.com"
Description: Report to this master server.
Default: "master0.gamespy.com"
Description: Report to this master server.
Default: ""
Description: Report to this master server.
Default: ""
Description: Report to this master server.
Default: ""
Description: Report to this master server.
Default: "8"
Description: Maximum number of players allowed on the server.
Set to 43 to jump out of trenches. x to sets your maximum frame
rate. In Quake 2 this was used to stabilize online connection. This is
no longer the case; instead the cl_maxpackets "x" & snaps
x is used. Id recommend setting this to 30 when playing online.This
will help keep the frame rate constant (no dropping from 60FPS to 30FPS)
& will aid in distinguishing between graphics card lag & lag
in your connection to a server.
Not sure, may be same as maxclients but set in game.
cl_maxpackets "x". This sets the maximum amount of packets that get sent to the server. The default setting is 30, which is fine for V90/56K connections. If you are on a 33.6K modem you should lower this value a little (say to 25). Those on ISDN or faster can set this higher than 30. You may need to experiment a little with it.
Default: "0"
Description: The max ping value to join the game.
sv_maxrate: not sure
Usage: meminfo
Description: Displays information about the server's memory.
Usage: midiinfo
Description: Displays information about the server's MIDI configuration.
Default: "0"
Description: The minimum ping value to join the game.
s_mixahead "x".x sets the sound mixahead value, changing this value may fix sound stuttering with some soundcards. I'd recommend setting it to 0.2 unless you encounter problems, lower it if you do.
in_mouse "1". Set x to 1 to enable mouse support. If for some reason you arent using a mouse then set this to 0.
r_ext_multitexture "x". Set it to 1 to enable multi-texturing, this can improve performance. 0 will disable it. Also Used to debug maps. Use the devmap command to load the map first.
s_musicvolume "x". Set to 0 to disable playing music in Elite Force. This will of course improve performance & Id highly recommend doing that. Especially when youre going to play online.
s_volumeVoice "x". Use values from 0 to 1 for x to increase/decrease the volume for voices. Use your own discretion for this of course. 1 is the maximum, 0 will mute voices in the game, which is not recommended.
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name. Use this to set your player name. e.g. /set name [TDM]Bell[CC]
nav_showall. For map debugging.
Default: "localhost"
Description: Address of the server.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Game needs a password to play.
noclip. 1=enabled, you can fly and walk through walls at will, but will get stuck on the edges of the map (end of map/last wall on opposite side of infinity. You'll have to self terminate (/kill).(cheat codes must be enabled)
r_nocurves "x". Set this to 1 to disable curves & vastly improve performance. You may notice visual faults in maps though as a result. Id recommend setting it to 0. Used to debug maps. Use the devmap command to load the map first.
cl_nodelta x. A setting of 1 for x will disable Delta compression. Dont do this for any reason.
net_noipx "x". Set this to 0 to enable the use of the IPX/SPX protocol. You must have IPX/SPX installed to use this so set it to 1 if you dont. Most Internet servers use UDP (part of the TCP/IP protocol). Id recommend setting it to 1.
notarget . Toggle; Makes you invisible (cheat codes must be enabled)
net_noudp "x". Set this to 0 to enable the use of UDP, which is part of the TCP/IP protocol. You must have TCP/IP installed to use this so set it to 1 if you dont. Most Internet servers use UDP. Id recommend setting it to 0. This is only really useful if you play the game solely on an IPX/SPX network/server.
r_norefresh "x". Not a tweak as such although setting x to 1 will freeze the screen. Leave it set to 0 at all times. This is included here more as a warning than anything else.
s_numpolys "x".x sets the maximum polygons to be rendered in A3D. Setting this to 0 is equivalent to s_geometry "0". Valid values are 0 & above. I'd recommend leaving it at the default value, although setting it higher may result in more accurate 3d sound. Performance may be decreased with values too high.
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s_occfactor "x". Leave x at the default setting, which is 0.5.
s_occlude "x". Set x to 1 to enable occlusions. This will improve audio quality (more realistic), although performance will be lower. 0disables occlusions & performance will be improved.
r_overBrightBits "x". Default is 1. Increase this to make the game brighter. The brighter the visuals the more washed out the textures will look. Adjust this to suit your own needs, performance isnt affected either way. If you change this to 0, you should also change r_mapoverbrightbits to 0 as well.
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cl_packetdup "x". Set x to 1. If you are experiencing packet loss this will allow retransmission of lost packets. Only set this to 0 if you are playing on a LAN (as there should be no packet loss).
Default: ""
Description: Password to join the game.
Usage: path
Description: Displays Various directory information.
x. Enables the mod, you have to map_restart for it to take effect
1 is enable, 0 is disable
A setting of 0 gives best image quality. Setting it higher (up to
4) may improve performance but reduce image quality. Id recommend leaving
this at either 0 or 1.
Default: "27960"
Description: Port of the server.
cg_predictItems "x". Set x to 0. This controls whether the Client or Server decides if an item has been collected. When set to 1 you may be incorrectly led to believe you collected an item when you did not. Those on high bandwidth connections would probably be best of setting this to 0.
sv_private clients: not sure
Default: "1"
Description: (0, 1) Pure server.
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Default: "3"
Description: Quad damage multiplier.
Usage: quit
Description: Exits Quake 3 Arena.
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rate x. The default value for this may not be correct for you. Depending on your connection, try changing the value depending on your connection. You can also change this variable during gameplay to suit your needs. If your ping is high you may want to lower your rate. You can substitute in your own keys & rate values, I use 2600 & 3000. Set one low in case your ping starts to rise (or have a lot of yellow/redin the bottom section of the lagometer), this is a sign you may have set it to high for the current server, try increasing it for better results whenever possible. This caps the rate at which your system sends information through your modem. Once again, usually capped by servers. For 56k we recommend 3500-4000, cable use 4500-7000 and dsl and above test it out with your line speed.
Usage: /rconpassword mypassword
Default: ""
Description: Remote admin password.
CATION: make sure you type this in the drop down console and put the forward slash at the beginning. Otherwise it will be displayed as chat and everyone will know your password.
Usage: reboot
Description: This is specific to Rcon Commander and only works if
the Rcon Commander listener is installer on the game server, properly configured, and running.
Default: "3"
Description: Amount of reconnects before denial.
s_reflect "x". Set x to 1 to enable audio reflections. This will improve audio quality (more realistic), although performance will be lower. 0disables reflections & performance will be improved.
Usage: reset <variable>
Description: Resets a variable to it's default.
Usage: in_restart
Description: Reinitializes Input controls.
Usage: net_restart
Description: Reinitializes a network connection.
cl_run "1"
Always run. never walk or you die!
cg_runpitch "0.00x". This setting determines your pitch while running. Leave it at the default value or 0 to remove the movement.
cg_runroll "0.00x". This setting determines how much you roll back & forth while running. Leave it at the default value or 0 to remove the movement.
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Usage: say <message>
Description: chat to players.
Usage: sectorlist
Description: Lists The entity count for each sector of the current map.
Usage: seta <variable> <value>
Description: Used to set the value of a variable.
Usage: setu <variable> <value>
Description: Used to set the value of a variable.
Usage: serverinfo
Description: Displays various server settings.
Usage: set <variable> <value>
Description: Used to set the value of a variable
Usage: sets <variable> <value>
Description: Used to set the value of a variable
cg_shadows "x". A setting of 0 disables shadows (recommended). 1 enables, basic, circular shadows. 2 will enable volumetric shadows (You must also set r_stencilbits "8"). Enabling shadows will reduce performance.
r_showtris x: Shows all the triangles drawn from the compile process. Use the devmap command to load your map fromt he console for debugging
cg_simpleItems "x". A value of 1 will disable the display of 3d models for items, instead using 2d icons in their place, this may increase frame rate on older videocards. 0enables the display of 3d models for items, which will make image quality a little better.
r_smp x. Use a value of 1 to enable support for multiple processors, Elite Force Arena does have support for multiprocessors (SMP). In order to get the benefits from SMP, you must be running a SMP capable OS e.g. Windows 2000 & have an SMP capable video card driver combination. Right now, The Detonator drivers for the TNT/GeForce generation of cards are the only ones that are working properly. Leave it at 0 unless you have such a system.
snaps x. The default value for this setting may not be correct for you. Depending on your connection, try changing the value depending on your connection. You can change this variable during gameplay to suit your needs. Use this to increase/decrease the amount of snaps (world updates) sent to the client. If your world updates are bad (lots of Yellow in the top half of the lagometer) you should lower your snaps setting. 30 is a good value to begin with for this setting.You can substitute in your own keys & rate values, I use 26 & 30. As shown earlier youll want to change this according to the how your lagometer is displaying.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Enable socks support.
Default: ""
Description: Socks password.
Default: "1080"
Description: Socks port.
Default: ""
Description: Socks server address.
Default: ""
Description: Socks username.
Usage: spdevmap <mapname>
Description: Changes the map (development mode).
Usage: g_speed 400
Description: changes running speed.
r_speeds x. For counting triangles in map debugging mode. Use the devmap command to load the map first.
com_speeds: shows all stats of a map in debuging mode. Use the devmap command to load the map first.
Usage: spmap <mapname>
Description: Changes the map.
Usage: statusDescription:
Displays the current map and some player stats.
r_stencilbits "x". If you enabled Volumetric shadows above then youll want to set this to 8. NOTE Your graphics card must have a stencil buffer to do this, e.g. GeForce or Voodoo 4/5. Voodoo3 does not.
r_subdivisions "x". Use this to set how complex (rounded) the curves will be in maps. A setting of 1 gives the most detailed (smooth) curves. A setting of 999 gives the least smooth curves but improved performance. You should play around with this value for yourself until you find a good balance between performance & detail.
g_subtitles "0". Setting x to 1 will enable subtitles in the game, 0disables them. A setting of 2 enables the display of subtitles during cinematic scenes.
r_swapInterval "x". This is the Elite Force equivalent of vsync. Set it to 1 to enable vsync (recommended). Only set it to 0 when you are benchmarking game performance, this will allow for higher frame rates (than your refresh rate).
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Allows Recording of demos by clients.
Usage: systeminfo
Description: Displays information about the server configuration.
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Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Forces a player to join smallest or loosing team.
Default: "0"
Description: (0, 1) Forces a new player to the smallest team.
r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "x". When x is set to 1 image quality can be improved - elements of the scene will appear smoother when viewed at near edge angles. Your video card must support this however. Set x to 1 to disable anisotropic filtering for improved performance, or if your video card doesnt support it. If not supported it will automatically be disabled.
r_texturebits "x". Sets the bits per texture. A value of 16 for 16-bit colour & 32 for 32bit colour. 32 will give best texture quality.
r_textureMode "x". Valid entries are GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST (worst),
(second best),
Setting it to GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR (Trilinear) will give best visual quality. Setting it to the other settings will improve performance, but give increasingly worse image quality.
cg_thirdperson x. 1=enabled. Switches to the third person view.
Default: "0"
Description: Time before a game ends cl_timenudge x. Similar to push latency in Half-life, you can use this to set fake lag when playing in single player, & more importantly in online games you can give this a negative value. A general rule of thumb would be to set this to half your average ping (negative value of course, or else youd be adding lag). E.g. If you normally have a ping of 200 you should set this to 100. This may help smooth your online gameplay out.
Default: "120"
Description: Time before a client is considered disconnected.
Usage: toggle <variable>
Description: Toggles the value of the variable (for values of 1/0).
Usage: touchFile <file>
Description: Command that I am sure has a purpose but I amunaware of it.
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Usage: unbind <key>
Description: Remove commands from a key.
Usage: unbindall
Description: Removes binding configuration from all keys.
undying. gives you 999 armor and 999 health (cheat codes must be enabled)
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r_vertexLight "x". Set this to 0 if youve enabled Lightmap lighting. Setting it to 1 will enable Vertex lighting, which is faster but uglier.
Usage: vminfo
Description: Displays information about the server's virtual machine.
sets the maximum volume which 2D sounds are played at. By the nature of
the filters being applied to the A3D buffers, they are quieter then their
2D counterparts. Hence it is important to quiet the 2D sounds to make up
for this. Id recommend leaving this at the default value, 0.7.
s_volume "x". Use values from 0 to 1 for x to increase/decrease in-game volume. Use your own discretion for this of course. 1 is the maximum, 0 will mute the game.
Usage: vstr <variable>
Description: Executes a variable command.
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Usage: wait
Description: I wonder what this does?
Default: "0"
Description: Warmup time before a Tourney.
Default: "5"
Description: Seconds before a weapon respawns.
s_a3d_weapons"x. Set x to 1 to enable A3D play weapon sounds. If your soundcard which supports either EAX or A3D reverb, you'll get the geometric reverb effect rendered on your weapons. Set this to 0 if your soundcard doesnt support this effect.
Usage: writeconfig <filename>
Description: Writes the current configuration to the specified file.